i got to help the guys for the first time in awhile, & there was a little girl about 10 (a little older then what i was when i started out!). so i started reminiscing about when i was ‘young’ & that little girl reminded me so much of what i was! so this is to all the ‘little cowgirls’ out there!
oh, little cowgirl. you try so hard, you just want your dads ‘approval’ & a ‘good job’ but you don’t want to hear him say it, you just want to know that you have it. you’re quiet, but only sometimes, once you warm up you talk non-stop, & sometimes you worry you talk too much but you love talking to the guys, because finally!! you finally found someone to talk to who understands where you come from, & someone you enjoy talking too! don’t worry little cowgirl, they enjoy talking to you just as much!!;) if you’re anything like me you strongly dislike early mornings, but a early morning to help the guys is no problem!! they will soon start to be like your dad, giving tips & always there for you. now if they’re anything like ‘my guys’ they’ll constantly give you a hard time & it slightly drives you crazy, but deep down you like it. & just know they do it because they like you, if they didn’t like you they wouldn’t give you hard time! you’re constantly doing your best at everything, & put 100% into everything, but sometimes you fail, sometimes you screw up, & sometimes you just flat out have a bad day. you’re dad is going to be upset, & inside you just feel terrible, you feel like you’ve failed, & that you’ve let your dad down, & the guys. but little cowgirl, you didn’t. we all screw up. we all fail. & we ALL have bad days. don’t let it hang over your head. pick yourself up & get straight back to work, that’s a true cowgirl. now i see the tears in your eyes, wanting to cry, & i know it’s not tears of weakness, it’s tears of disappointment in yourself, the fact you let your dad & your guys down, but YOU DIDN’T. one thing i know about my guys is they have a forgiving heart, & couldn’t EVER be mad at you for long, i mean you are there ‘little cowgirl. so don’t cry, cowgirls don’t cry!;) your dad is going to say words that cut you like knives but it’s outta love, & at the end of the day you’ll be back to best friends. oh, little cowgirl you are loved, & you are the guy’s little girl. please don’t be afraid to give all there crap right back to them, & just be your little ball of spit fire self. i love watching you work, & grow. enjoy the day’s of your dad coaching you & walking you through everything, they won’t last long. one day you’re going to miss those days. oh, little cowgirl. you are one special girl.
yours truly, Me
just a little cowgirl & her pony!<3
throwback to when i was younger & got slightly covered in mud.